2008年9月20日 星期六

For the Kids 為了孩子

For the Kids
If you ever forget, even for a moment, what En101 is all about, come back and look at this picture. En101 is FOR and ALL ABOUT the KIDS. Although we do offer education for the preschooler up to the professional. In the picture to the left are some kids in a Latvian school studying English through En101.
What a site to see! We as parents, must afford our kids every benefit we can offer that will help them excel in life. It is simply our job.
Let's look at a scenario:

Looking into the future, your child is standing in line with their resume applying for that job they have longed for. As a child, they learned to effectively speak English. The other applicants in line are equally qualified, except, they didn't learn English. Your child gets the job! And they thank you for your insight.
You did your part! To your future.
Team En101 Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:32:49 -0700

En101 工作團隊 2008年9月16,星期二15︰32︰49:-0700
